Saturday, August 1, 2015


Resultado de imagen para rubrics and guidelines

Chapter 5- Preparing and Using Achievement Tests

Summary: In order for a test to be successful, the test questions must be relevant and must match the learning outcomes. There are several ways to give a test but the two main ways are selection-type and supply-type tests. All of the tests, no matter what form they are in, should always be clear and well defined for the students. Giving them a guideline and allowing them to follow a rubric or something similar is great for them as well. Students should also be given the opportunity to go over the test, which will be beneficial for both parties

Reflection: In my classroom, I would love to be able to use more rubrics and guidelines for the students. I think it’s important to give freedom in choice but if no guidelines are given, it can be pretty hard to grade and also all over the place. I am going to be teaching first grade this year and they will need a lot of guidance with directions and knowing how to write or do certain activities. The other great takeaway I got from this chapter is remembering to review the test items with them instead of simply grading it and giving it right back to them. They need to see their mistakes, discuss what made that question difficult for them, and then I can even learn for the next test to reword things or change the difficulty if needed.

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