Saturday, August 1, 2015

Thoughts on Paper!

Chapter 8- Writing Supply Items: Short Answer Essay 

Summary: Short-answer items are a supply-type item because it requires the student to fill in the blank with information they are going to recall. The question must be stated in a way where only one answer can properly answer the question and only one answer, or word, is needed from the student. They are still pretty easy to grade but will require a little more time to go through. Essay questions, on the other hand, will take more time to grade because they are answers that students provide in writing. The answers given can be in a restricted-response form, where only a few sentences are allowed and boundaries are set, or they can be in extended-response form, where answers are generally pretty open for the students to expand on. Directions should always be stated clearly, give the students a good idea of what is expected of them, and should state the amount of time they have to complete the essay.

Reflection: Using essays is my favorite form of assessment because I am able to see what students are thinking and how they express themselves on paper, which can often be way more than they would ever say in front of their peers. Although they are the hardest to grade, I think it is worth it because of the value of seeing their thought processes. I will now consider using more supply-type items in my first grade class, especially the short-answer items where only one answer is needed. I think this would make the students think hard and they wouldn’t be able to just guess the answer. I think I would use these types of assessments more when they are not for a grade though and just to evaluate their learning progress because I would not want to put too much pressure on them the first few times I used this type of assessment. 

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